© 2025 — Social KEWS

Watts Your Story?

“Explore the possibilities with me and make your brand’s story one that resonates and captivates.”

Whether you’re a small business looking to set up, build or maintain your digital presence or a larger business with a steady revenue stream looking for an extra pair of hands or fresh eyes.

Through captivating copywriting, social media content or thought-provoking podcasts, Social KEWS is committed to delivering exceptional storytelling experiences.

I understand the power of stories to shape perceptions, influence opinions, and create meaningful connections. I’ll help you craft and share your unique story, ensuring it resonates with your audience authentically and effectively.

Nostalgic memories of storytelling have enchanted me since childhood, igniting a lifelong love affair with the written word. Stories hold a special place in my heart, from the magical tales that captivated me as a child to the narratives that continue to shape my world today.

Whatever your size or marketing challenge, I’m here to help.

My fees will depend on your brief, and I want to make it personal to you and your business. Why not drop me an e-mail with your brief kathryn@socialkews.co.uk. I look forward to collaborating with you to achieve your brand’s success.

I collaborate closely with a team of skilled editors, photographers, and filmmakers, ready to enhance your campaign’s quality and meet your specific requirements.

And as the saying often attributed to Plato goes, “Those who tell the stories rule society,”
